Monday, February 16, 2009


I woke up the next morning, one side of my face still wet from my soaked-through pillow. Who knew that one person could generate so many tears? I wondered. The sun was coming in through the window and down into my eyes. Stupid sun. I rolled over and covered my head with my pillow. For a brief second, I forgot last night. I had forgotten the horrible thing that I had done. I took the pillow off of my head and sat up in my bed. Then everything flooded back to me as soon as I saw my arm. How was I even going to hide this? If somebody found out, I could get sent away to rehab, or even some kind of mental hospital. Was I crazy? Why did I even do it in the first place? I regretted what I had done, yet somehow I wanted to do it again, and that scared me. When I did it, when I cut myself, I just couldn’t control it. I just kept wanting more.
What would happen if it wasn’t enough?


  1. This story is intense. Wow, it makes me choke on my words. Like really I can't even say anything right now. NOTHING!

  2. what lola said... cutting really isn't that great for you keep yourself busy our talk to your school counselor anything to help

    Brightest Blessings

    Dark Moon
